My name is Fabrizio and for more than ten years I have been cultivating a passion for photography. At the beginning, I did landscape photography and then, little by little, I started to work in the portrait style.
After living in Italy for a few years, I am now established in the Lausanne area in Switzerland where I work in the audiovisual field.
I really enjoy taking part in workshops organized by professional photographers where it’s always interesting to learn and improve. Human encounters are for me the most enriching thing, because each person is unique in his own way.
Always available to realize new projects, I have a private studio for indoor photography where it is possible to experiment and realize our projects.
My goal today is to capture faces in moments that touch the emotional while constantly perfecting my style.
I am a big fan of analog photography and still develop some of my pictures as we did in the past.
If you have a project then do not hesitate to contact me
(Français / Italiano / English)

Indoor studio photography
A private studio is available in the Lausanne area for the realization of projects in controlled light. Different backgrounds, supports and accessories can be used

Outdoor photography
Nature provides us with all kinds of atmospheres for natural light photography. It is also possible to create night atmospheres which are suitable for portraits

Digital processing
In my opinion, photography should be a reflection of reality, that’s why I don’t apply filters and other advanced effects.
The files are elaborated with image processing software for the treatment of the exposure, luminosity, contrast, etc.

Analog processing
A variant in analog photography can be proposed.
The development of the negative films, the prints of the images on paper and a possible digitalization are treated by myself from the beginning to the end of the process
There are no planned exhibitions at the moment
400nm photography
Est-ce qu’une radiographie, dans le champ médical, ou une interprétation de l’infrarouge/ultraviolet, dans le domaine de l’astronomie, peuvent être considérés comme de la photographie à part entière ? Cette question a été abordée par une connaissance, elle aussi...
Photographie argentique
La photographie argentique, qui était autrefois la norme avant l'ère numérique, connaît actuellement une deuxième vie. Alors que les appareils photo numériques dominent le marché, de nombreux photographes et amateurs ont redécouvert les charmes uniques de la...
Black & White
La photographie monochrome est un style artistique et documentaire qui capture des images en utilisant uniquement des nuances de gris. Ce style photographique a une longue histoire et a été utilisé par de nombreux photographes célèbres au fil des ans. La photographie...
HDR Photography
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All images © 2010-2024 Negro Fabrizio